Call for Presentation Proposals for CleanMed Europe 2012

CleanMed Europe, 26th 27th 28th September in Malmö is the premiere European conference on sustainable healthcare.

We are now accepting Proposals for Presentations at CleanMed Europe 2012.
If you have expertise in a sustainable health care topic, we invite you to submit your session proposal for consideration. The Presentation Proposal Deadline is February 10, 2012!

Suggested topics with responsible persons include the following:

Wednesday, September 26th 2012 – 15.30-17.00 CET
•    A1 Waste management in healthcare Davide Sgarzi, environmental coordinator, Regione Emilia-Romagna,
•    A2 Hospital of the future Anja Leetz, Executive Director, Health Care Without Harm Europe,
•    A3 Pharmaceuticals in the environment Ingrid Eckerman, President at Swedish Doctors for the Environment,
•    A4 Health effects of climate change: How should the health-care sector respond? Hanns Moshammer, Doz. Dr., Med Uni Wien/International Society Doctors for the Environment, ISDE,

Thursday, September 27th 2012 – 10.30-12.00 CET
•    B1 Energy efficiency in existing healthcare buildings Annegret Dickhoff, BUND Berlin,
•    B2 Green procurement in healthcare Véronique Molières, C2DS,
•    B3 Non-toxic healthcare Katarina Ryckenberg, Communication Officer, Jegrelius Institute for applied chemistry,
•    B4 Communicating change & success Hanna Ershytt, Sustainability management consultant, TEM Foundation at Lund university,

Thursday, September 27th 2012 – 13.00-14.30 CET
•    C1 Sustainablility reporting and responsibility in healthcare (GRI/CSR) Iris Rehnström, Sustainability management consultant, TEM Foundation at Lund university,
•    C2 Innovative renewable energy solutions in healthcare Anna Palminger, project leader, Region Skåne,
•    C3 Water as a resource for health and well-being of patients and personnel: management and installation in the hospital setting Hanns Moshammer, Doz. Dr., Med Uni Wien/International Society Doctors for the Environment, ISDE,
•    C4 Green logistics and transport solutions for healthcare Anja Leetz, Executive Director, Health Care Without Harm Europe,

Friday, September 28th 2012 – 09.00-10.30 CET
•    D1 Responsible supply chain management Hanna Savola, Sustainability management consultant, TEM Foundation at Lund university,
•    D2 Operational efficiency in healthcare as a way of reducing environmental impact Anna Palminger, project leader, Region Skåne,
•    D3 Organic and locally produced patient food Anna Palminger, project leader, Region Skåne,
•    D4 Leadership & management systems in healthcare Véronique Molières, C2DS,

The persons responsible for the parallel sessions are interested in receiving proposals for content presented in a unique and/or creative way while providing new or different solutions, skill building and/or new methods of practice. Preference will be given to proposals that involve a hospital/healthcare partner. Interactive and innovative presentation styles will receive preferential review.

Proposals must include the following pieces of information:

•    Speaker Information (name, credentials, title, organisation, address, phone, and e-mail) for each speaker along with a brief paragraph biography for each speaker that can be used in accreditation applications.
•    Proposed Session Title
•    Session Abstract – paragraph describing the intent and content of the presentation

As a benefit to approved speakers, conference registration fees will be reduced to half the rate. All speakers and presenters are responsible for their own travel and lodging expenses.

For general questions regarding the parallel sessions please contact:
Marie Pettersson

For specific question regarding a specific session, please contact the session owner that are listed above.

Thank you! We hope to see you at CleanMed Europe 2012.

Call for presentations CleanMed Europe 2012 (pdf)

Preliminary program CleanMed 2012 public 111219 (pdf)

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